NTT conducts data center-to-data center photonics tests in the UK and US!

Company claims sub-1 millisecond latency over 90 km

NTT has conducted low-latency data center-to-data center light-based photonics tests in the UK and US, claiming sub-1 millisecond latency between facilities separated by nearly 90 km.

NTT Corporation and NTT DATA Group Corporation announced this week that they have demonstrated IOWN All Photonics Network (APN) network connections between NTT Group data centers in the US and UK. In the UK, two data centers approximately 100 km apart communicated via an IOWN APN connection with a round trip time of 1 millisecond or less. Similar performance was seen in the US. IOWN (Innovative Optical and Wireless Network) comprises NTT’s light-based All Photonics network. The company says its APN achieves ultra-low power consumption and ultra-high-speed processing by assigning wavelengths to each function on a single optical fiber. NTT said the links allow multiple data centers to function as an integrated IT infrastructure, logically equivalent to a single data center. This allows customers to meet their needs in use cases where low latency is required, such as real-time AI analytics and in the financial sector. IOWN APN can provide the connection line by adding wavelength without installing new dark fiber, which can accelerate the connection deployment.

NTT has demonstrated its applicability to real-time AI-based distributed analytics and the financial sector. The company said it intends to conduct commercial demonstrations with customers and encourage early deployment of our data center business with IOWN APN.

In the UK, HH2 in Hemel Hempstead and LON1 in Dagenham (about 89 km away) were connected, while in the US, VA1 and VA3 in Ashburn (about 4 km away) were connected using NEC APN equipment to measure round-trip delays and jitter delays between data centers. In the UK, both data centres connected with less than 1 millisecond delay (about 0.9 ms) and less than 1 microsecond jitter at 100 Gbps and 400 Gbps. The company said the same connection over traditional fibre would have a delay of 2 milliseconds. Cloud providers typically require data centers within certain cloud regions to have less than 2 ms delay between them. In the US, the 4km delay was less than 0.06 ms. NTT notes that building new facilities in urban areas is becoming increasingly difficult, and that photonic connections can connect urban centers (often hotels with heavily interconnected operators or edge facilities) and more rural facilities (often larger, high-capacity campuses) as if they were a single installation.

“APN has provided very low latency, which is required by current and emerging use cases. “These include distributed and real-time AI analytics such as industrial IoT and predictive maintenance, intelligent surveillance systems, energy management and smart grids, natural disaster detection and response, and more,” the company said. “The goal of this initiative is to transform geographically distributed IT infrastructure into the functional equivalent of a single data center.”

NTT has previously said it will target commercial use of IOWN in 2030.

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Abgineh Pardaz Shargh