Another successful project of Abgine Pardaz Sharq is the MOD container data center project, commissioned by Semnan General Department of Education in 2011. This 5-bay data center was successfully implemented and launched in Semnan city and all the International data center standards have been implemented in its design and construction to maintain full customer satisfaction.
The existence of a data center, especially in large organizations, is considered a necessity and maintaining the security of information and its proper storage requires adequate infrastructure. Semnan General Administration of Education commissioned a portable data center to develop its information storage and security infrastructure to achieve the following benefits:
The existence of a data center, especially in large organizations, is considered a necessity and maintaining the security of information and its proper storage requires adequate infrastructure. Semnan Education Department has commissioned a portable data center to develop its information storage and security infrastructure to achieve the following benefits:

Project implementation challenges
The construction and management of data centers are always linked to numerous challenges and this project, like other projects, is no exception to this rule. Some of these challenges are:
Currency price fluctuations and changes in the parts purchasing process.
Changes to the customer order during the project.
The need to be flexible in decision making
The challenges of traveling and the problems associated with obtaining permission to cross roads
Organizations’ inconsistencies in the data center relocation process
Despite such challenges, in line with the commitments made to the employer, Abgineh Pardaz Shargh delivered the data center as they wanted and successfully launched it so that the satisfaction of the group and the priorities of the organization were fully met.
The suggested solutions
Without a doubt, challenges cannot be controlled without using experience and the art of management, and this is the one thing that cannot be studied in any scientific book or article. This is exactly the same technique the Shargh Waterworks team uses to address issues on every project.
- Management of project financial resources in the face of monetary fluctuations. Financial resources of projects in the face of monetary fluctuations
- Utilize organizations' public relations and hold more meetings to move projects forward more quickly.
- Test different methods and paths for moving data centers
Project implementation achievements
- Create new and innovative solutions.
- Accurately adapt data centers to the employer's needs
- Updating the database of APS according to the latest world technologies.
Behzad Borhani / CEO of APS